Team Blink Pictures has conceived, visualised and executed the Animation, Titles, and Graphics for the feature film Aafat-e-Ishq, directed by Indrajit Nattoji and produced by Zee Studios for the streaming platform Zee5. Here are some select images.
This page is dedicated to my best friend and fellow artist- Arnab Chaudhuri
Director's Sketches
Lal Pari
Title Design
In-Film Graphics
Hand-Painted Moths
Team Blink Pictures-
Executive Creative Director- Indrajit Nattoji
Animation and Illustration (Lal Pari)- Priyankar Gupta
Director of Animation- Indrajit Nattoji
VFX Supervisor- Tushar Sabharwal
Title Design, Illustration, and Animation- Indrajit Nattoji
Illustration (Sarla’s Dairy)- Neha Bahuguna
Graphics- Akaash Raichura
Typography for Open Titles- Rayna Batavia
Moth Miniature Artist- Swapnil Mestry