I have known, worked with, and mentored Mr. Indrajit Nattoji for many years. Our relationship goes back to the time when we were both working for NewsCorp’s Channel [v] and Star TV in the 1990’s. At that time I was the Creative Director of the network and Mr. Nattoji was a fast rising star within the organization. Someone who was hard to ignore. During that time he was constantly proving what a genius I was for hiring him! The campaigns assigned to him, both big and small, were always successful and carried a breakthrough quality which always stood out on the network. And the accolades followed with several awards being bestowed upon him for his creative efforts. When he worked as an independent, and running his own company, I was very pleased to see his abilities continue to grow from commercials to overall channel design. His creative abilities and work ethic combine to make him a force to be reckoned with, and one that, I am proud to say, I have had a hand in shaping.