I had just moved to Sri Lanka as the creative head of Phoenix Ogilvy and wasn’t too satisfied with the production values I was getting at the local shoots. I started looking for something that would help me pull off local productions with the correct aesthetics and craft that the scripts deserved. That is when I met Indrajit. Together we cracked a beautiful formula to cross pollinate talent across Sri Lanka and India to deliver a better set of films. Soon we had created an enviable portfolio of work with brands like Coca Cola, Nestle and GSK. Local at heart, and honest when it comes to the narrative. We took the collaboration a notch higher with a series of films for Hemas, (the Unilever equivalent in Sri Lanka). This led to work on brands like Baby Cheramy, Velvet Soap and other FMCG brands in their portfolio, work that later went on to win Effies in Sri Lanka. This partnership has continued after I came back to Ogilvy India. The best part of working with Blink and Indrajit is the freedom to keep pushing the script and chiselling the treatment of the film to the last minute. Every film that I have made with Blink has taught me something or the other about storytelling in the audio visual format.